Turnigy nano-tech 2200mah 3S 45~90C Lipo Pack

More than just a fancy name. TURNIGY nano-tech lithium polymer batteries are built with an LiCo nano-technology substrate complex greatly improving power transfer making the oxidation/reduction reaction more efficient, this helps electrons pass more freely from anode to cathode with less internal impedance.
In short; less voltage sag and a higher discharge rate than a similar density lithium polymer (non nano-tech) battery.
For those that love graphs, it means a straighter, longer curve. For pilots it spells stronger throttle punches and unreal straight-up performance.
Excellent news for 3D pilots!

Unfortunately with other big brands; numbers, ratings and graphs can be fudged. Rest assured, TURNIGY nano-techs are the real deal, delivering unparalleled performance!

Capacity: 2200mAh
Voltage: 3S1P / 3 Cell / 11.1V
Discharge: 45C Constant / 90C Burst
Weight: 201g (including wire, plug & case)
Dimensions: 112x36x26mm
Balance Plug: JST-XH
Discharge Plug: XT60
Capacity(mAh) 2200
Config(s) 3
Discharge(c) 45
Weight(g) 201
Max Charge Rate (C) 10
Length-A(mm) 112
Height-B(mm) 36
Width-C(mm) 26
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